We have been reveling in the glory of
Sunriver, OR for the last week and a half! Being from the PNW summer is always a crapshoot, although this summer (post-4th of July anyways) is quite nice. This hit and miss summers are why we almost always choose Sunriver for our family get-togethers. My grandparents started the tradition 23 years ago (!) and once they were gone my dad and his brothers continued the tradition. Sunriver is almost always guaranteed to be dry, hot during the day, and cool at night. It's high-desert country in Central Oregon, just to the south of Bend. This year was much cooler than average (high 70s to mid 80s during the day) and we actually had 2 days of rain and thunderstorms!
Why do we go back to Sunriver year after year? Besides the sun, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
At the High Desert Observatory just after we looked at sunspots through a telescope. |
Playing train conductor with daddy and cousin on the back deck. |
lava tube cave was probably our favorite excursion of this year. It's been at least 6 years since I last walked to the end of the cave and none of the kids were around at that time. It was Big G's first time as well. He toted Little G through the cave in a backpack... Apparently the caves weren't all that interesting to Little G because he conked right out. We're all wearing as many warm clothes as we brought because it was 85 degrees above ground, and 43 degrees down in the cave.
Hiking 2 miles roundtrip in an underground lava tube! C walked the whole way by herself. |
The dark hole-in-the-ground that's the entrance to the lava tube. |
Snoozing through the lava caves. |
Playing putt-putt on real golf greens after a breakfast at the Main Lodge. |
Ready for the annual float/raft trip down the Deschutes River. |
All in all, an amazing year. Big G got to bike close to 300 miles while we were there, we spend several afternoons at the pool, we played tennis, and finally did a little shopping in Bend. Now it's back home and back to thinking about getting ready for another school year. I am teaching 2nd grade again, 3 days a week and I have no idea who I will be job sharing with. A situation I am trying hard not to think or worry about yet.
What crafts did I actually attempt to finish while I was away? I took 3 different knitting projects and spent time working on all of them, but not as much as I anticipated. During the 8 hour drive south I knit on a hat for Little G for next winter. Discovered that I did not have enough yarn to finish it in the blue color, so it's on hold until I stash dive for some more Cascade 220 in a coordinating color. I am making up the pattern as I go along. I think it's going to turn out on the big side which might mean that I need to knit him another hat for next winter and either gift this one to someone else, give it to big sis, or just save it until he grows. Not a biggie.
Cascade 220, boys hat, making up that pattern as I go along. |
Once my hat knitting was stymied I moved onto another
Birthday Cowl. I think this is my 6th or 7th?? It usually take me just a day or two to knit making it one of my go-to gift patterns. This is for my new teaching partner. She'll be teaching the other class of 2nd graders this year. She doesn't wear animal fibers, so this is a silk/bamboo combination. I usually use Manos silk blend and it takes just one skein. See that purple tail of yarn at the top? That's the end of road, so to speak. This project is also on hold until I go buy another ball of yarn.
Last, but not least, I am trying to finish up my 2nd
Powder River Cowl. The first was for my dad's wife, this one's for me. It's Tosh Merino Light in the Vulga colorway (purpley-gray). This cowl has great texture and I know I'll love it! Um yeah, because I knit one already and had to give it away.
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